The ascent
up the Braid Hill
The course
is a combination of road-running, cross-country,
hill-running, and urban orienteering. The
total distance is a little over 14 miles,
and there's about 2200 feet of ascent/descent.
There are, unfortunately, many road-crossings,
quite a few of them major roads.
There are
five water-stations on the course; these
are at or near the checkpoints. They have
water, orange squash, and sultanas; they
also have first-aid kits.
Hill is the Start and Finish
point. Competitors have to find their own
route, as the course is not marked, but
they must pass through the 6 checkpoints
in the following order (and punch their
race-number there with clippers):-
- The
Castle (esplanade/steps)
- Corstorphine
- Craiglockhart
Hill (East)
- Braid
- Blackford
- Arthur's
choosing the optimal route is all part of
the event, and the course does change slightly
over the years, due to growing shrubbery,
altered field-use, increasing road-traffic,
and hill-erosion. In the fortnight before
each year's event, it is common to find
entrants out on the course evaluating the
options. Harvey's Edinburgh Seven Hills Map is displayed
on the day at Calton Hill (sadly out of print now).
At the foot of this page is a Google map showing the checkpoints.
guide: For those unfamiliar
with the fine detail of Edinburgh's geography,
the following is a very rough guide for
getting safely round the course (it
does not claim to be 'optimal')...
From Calton
Hill... west down the steps
onto Waterloo Place, up North Bridge, up The
Royal Mile to the Castle checkpoint which is on the steep steps leading left down onto Johnston Terrace. There, turn right and follow it to Bread Street, then heading west and across Lothian Road to run down Morrison St. Straight out the Glasgow Road until Murrayfield Road
on your right, heading all the way up it until it hits Ravelston
Dykes. Turn left and run all the way along to its corner
where you go straight on up the path which splits
the Murrayfield golf course (do not run across
the course, or we'll be in trouble), the
path tending rightwards at its top and leading
you around the perimeter-fence of the zoo for
several hundred yards until you descend
some steps and veer right into a meadow
area (water-station here), and then slightly
rightwards again up to the Corstorphine
Hill checkpoint at Clermiston
Retrace steps to the meadow, heading down
and slightly right, over to the top of Kaimes
Road, descending it steeply to its foot
and across the main Glasgow road (carefully), going left for 50 yards to find
the path on the right which runs
past the right-hand side of the large glass
office building, continuing straight southwards,
along Carrick Knowe Avenue to cross the
railway by the footbridge, also then crossing the tramway (beware of trams) then swing leftish
along Stenhouse Drive, straight over its
roundabout, to reach Gorgie Road, moving left and crossing
over to soon take a right
into Chesser Avenue, following it to Slateford
Road where you head right under the railway
bridge and then immediately left up Allan Park
Road leading to a footpath over the Union
Canal, at the top of which veer left up
onto Colinton Road, crossing it slightly
right and taking the car-entrance of the
Sports Centre and straight south through
between buildings to the base of the hill,
where superheroes go directly up the very
steep bank to the cross-path at its top,
then 50 yards right before taking a left
through the big hole in the wall (whilst non-superheroes took the gentle track running
anti-clockwise around the right side of the hill), and
then eastwards up to the checkpoint at the top of Craiglockhart
Hill East.
Head downhill eastwards (do not run across
the golf course), past an (open) metal gate
and veer right, taking the hard path down the
southern edge of Napier College's campus,
at the foot of which is the water-station and the exit by a gateway onto Craiglea Place,
where turn right down Morningside Grove to Greenbank
Drive, which take eastwards along to its
junction with Comiston Road, turning up/right
and crossing over to soon ascend the steps
at the base of the Braid Hills Hotel and
so onto Braid Road, continuing up it to
the water-station at the entrance to the
east-running track, remembering to take
the right fork of this after a few hundred
yards, this leading up to the checkpoint
(trig-point) at the top of Braid
Head leftish (NNE) across the public golf
courses (beware of golfers and their hard balls),
aiming eventually to descend by paths through
gorse bushes to hit Braid Hills Drive just
opposite Lang Linn Path (between metal railings),
and run down the path to its corner, where
superheroes go straightish on down the steep
bank and cross the Braid Burn by bridge
or by wet feet and ascend the opposite bank
to emerge in good position for the grassy-bank
ascent up past the communications towers
to the checkpoint (trig-point) and water-station
at the top of Blackford
Hill (whilst non-superheroes
took a safe right at the path's corner,
going gradually down steps to cross the
burn by a large wooden bridge and coming
on up steps and a path veering leftwards
for a few hundred yards to the foot of the
grassy bank).
Turning eastwards from the hill top, run down past the Observatory and down Observatory Road and under the arch, edging left and crossing over to enter the allotments, exiting onto Watertoun Road and then turning right along West Saville Terrace, at its end turning left to head up Mayfield Road until taking Duncan Street to the right, continuing straight over Minto Street into Blacket Avenue, then left up Dalkeith Road and cross over to use the water-station, after which continue up past the Commonwealth Pool, into Holyrood Park Road; you soon enter the Park and then head NE to soon cross the upper road and find some well-made steep steps leading up through a little gorge, after which it's a very steep ascent, tending slightly leftish on the way up to arrive eventually on a ridge with just a few hundred yards leftwards before climbing up the rocks to the checkpoint at the summit (trig-point) of Arthur's
Descend NE at first and then more steeply
N down a bank to pick up a north-running
path down The Dry Dam valley, at the end
of which tend leftwards before crossing
the park road and heading for the east wall of
Holyrood Palace where a path takes you north
into the cobbled lane Croft an-Righ, at
the end of which you quickly cross Abbeyhill and
Abbeymount roads and take a path
almost directly opposite which angles leftwards/NW
up through Regent Road Gardens, and out
onto Regent Road, then moving left up that
Road to pass the old Royal High School and
turn sharp right into the roadway which
runs up at the back of the building, up
to the road elbow, then up a few steps
on the left for the final 150 yards ascent over grass
to the finishing-line by the Registration tent on Calton